Monday, January 05, 2009

Nina Sparano out at KRDO

Jeez, you sit back for a minute to enjoy a cold one on New Year's and the TV stations go switching stuff up again.

KRDO/Channel 13 anchor Nina Sparano left the station over the holidays. Sparano was the main anchor with Jon Karroll from 2005-2008, although she and Karroll were replaced last fall as the lead anchors by Eric Singer and Heather Skold. Before 2005, Sparano was the station's weekend anchor.

I heard a rumor about the hows and whys of the move, but haven't confirmed anything yet.


At 7:14 PM, January 09, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura Forbes laid off at KXRM.

At 9:19 PM, January 09, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The funny thing, the only improvement in the rating was from John and Nina. And you get rid of her....

At 9:26 PM, January 09, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Laura Forbes was laid off, Which her Bio is not showing, is kinda shitty by Joe, shouldn't it be last one in, last one out? She should have never been let go.

At 1:19 PM, January 10, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Devra Ashby (Jesmer) once with Fox 21 and 11 News then with Springs TV at the city get released? I saw her on the D11 channel and didn't see her as co anchor on the government channel.

At 5:43 AM, January 12, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that James Jarman might finally be looking to leave 5and 30. Anyone able to confirm?

At 8:08 AM, January 12, 2009, Blogger AndyW said...

RE Devra, she left the city to take the D11 position. She wasn't laid off.

I heard James was getting married, but not that he was leaving the station. I don't think those things are related...

At 9:25 AM, January 16, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly you don't know anything about layoffs. Last one in last one out (Are you kidding)??? Try explaining that one to Bjorkman in Denver. That has nothing to do with it. It's always linked to $$$.

At 5:38 PM, January 16, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently the "LACK OF NEWS STAFF" at KRDO-TV can't figure out where Nina is. Do wonder their TV station is dead last in the ratings. Maybe KOAA can find her or the truth about why she is not at the station. Here's a clue for the KRDO "reporters" her hairdresser at the Veda hair salon.

At 9:11 PM, January 19, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nina was the Best!!! That is why I watch KRDO in the first place.. Her and John were the best time. Now I hope she ends up at a another station.. Heather and Eric are the worst.. Rock on Nina!!!

At 2:48 PM, January 20, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will miss seeing Nina on KRDO!
What the???? She was easy to look at and listen to. Can't imagine what they're thinking. Or not.

At 5:19 PM, January 20, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sad that a truly caring, wonderful, and highly and thoroughly professional person like Nina has left--the station, or worse yet, the CS area??? My family will miss seeing and hearing her. Definitely a loss to the community---we certainly feel it's a loss to us personally.
The B's

At 9:24 AM, January 21, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree...John and Nina were the only reasons we watched KRDO. Heather and Eric should never have replaced them....and now Nina's gone. We will miss you guys!!

ps havent watched krdo 10pm news since John and Nina left. What a bunch of bs that place must serve.

At 9:27 PM, January 21, 2009, Blogger 2008pathfinder said...


At 11:30 AM, January 22, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss John and Nina. Seems John has been demoted in favor of Eric (didn't like him before he moved to KRDO). His reporting style is a bit goulish.

At 6:32 PM, January 23, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KRDO, Huge mistake to let Nina Sparano slip through your hands. Huge. How flat the broadcasts are now! Nina and John were a great team. Bad move.

At 1:24 PM, January 24, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ican not believe that KRDO thinks Eric is better than Jon or worse yet that Heather has anything to offer over Nina. Eris is kind of scary when he tries to smile. Nina and Jon were a team. I've switched channels. Bad move guys!

At 9:06 PM, January 27, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric Singer single-handedly arrested the Texas Seven.

At 5:59 PM, January 29, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nina and John were true proffesionals on KRDO news. Nina was a real asset on KRDO and is dearly missed. Whats the story?

At 2:13 AM, January 30, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to Nina and Jon? Anyone know where they have ended up? Both were top shelf. Eric and Heather are ok. But geez... Jon and Nina, and the whole team was why I watched ch13. I now watch it far less...

I hope Nina and Jon land on their feet as they will be top shelf wherever they go.

At 5:15 PM, January 31, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to high school with Nina in Solon, Ohio. She was always such a nice, kind person! From what I hear, KRDO doesn't deserve to have such a great person as Nina! I am sure she will find a much deserving station to work for. Maybe we will see her back again on Good Morning America!! Good luck Nina!

At 7:42 PM, February 07, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just noticed this thread. Yes, Nina is MISSED. She is a very competent anchor and one fine looking lady. Heather is also lovely and competent and I don't want to slight her at all. Hate the way stations shuffle the deck when they get good ones on the air. I know it's a fluid profession, someone's always coming and going. But it's frustrating from this side of the TV screen. Very much miss Kellie MacMullen, too!

At 11:41 AM, February 09, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad Nina has departed. FYI - Kellie McMullen is anchoring the WB Denver station.

At 5:30 PM, February 14, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the others who are part of the John and Nina fan club. They are liking Regis and Kelly. There is the older and younger chemistry on tv and it works for every level of audience. I think that Heather is just as good as Nina and Eric is simply hard to watch. How about John and Heather? They were fun to watch as well. I am now forced to watch Lisa Lyden because Eric is annoying! :):)

At 6:23 PM, February 18, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We miss Nina terribly and are working our way toward switching stations. Heather is okay, but what's with Eric? I agree -- he's scary to watch and listen to.

At 9:07 PM, March 06, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nina was too good for this town anyway. Too good for a lotta towns. I just moved here from a much bigger market and she was/is better than anyone there. Come to think of it, she's better than anyone on CNN, MSNBC, and FOX. She got dumped due to an "after hours" sort of problem. Screw that. Her peers have worse "during hours" problems." No one's better than my Nina in between stories.

At 8:38 AM, March 14, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto the the above. Nina is a great broadcaster. Too Bad, KRDO. Bad move. Good luck, Nina. We'll stayed tuned to see your progress.

At 5:35 PM, March 20, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too miss seeing Nina Sparono and therefore I do not watch KRDO. I think you made a big mistake. I don't care for the new achors. I have tried to watch them but they are flat. So long KRDO!!!

At 11:15 AM, March 26, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok now,heather skold is frickn hot,many of us believe her and nin should be running that shit at 6 AND 10

At 5:32 PM, March 27, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nina was always such a nice person, inside and out. I ran across her at many community events and she was always genuine and friendly. Heather, on the other hand, cannot get her nose out of the air at community events and is very stuck up. HUGE LOSS, KRDO.

At 5:11 PM, March 28, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nina Sparano and Jon were superb---actually they still are where ever they are. Heads were certainly up and locked on this one. Lets hope that the KRDO staff are not trying to perfect a hemorrhoid transplant--or maybe they are......

At 10:44 PM, March 30, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Lord, Eric and Heather blow serious ass chunks. I never watch KRDO anymore.

At 3:21 PM, April 01, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad KRDO after 25 years of watching we're changing. Heather is a clothes horse,immature, phony personality both On air and in public.
..and Eric couldn't stand him at his last job.... when you dump them for serious and mature newscasters send out a mailing. In the meantime we're changing to Ch 11....
We tried to stay with you but too much fake drama at the news desk..

At 4:48 AM, April 02, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nina was the one that was fake. She got lazy and told everyone more than a year ago she was leaving. She left and no one in the newsroom has missed her. The people at the other stations knew Nina was leaving and you could see how they snatched her up really quick. Heather is very nice. People on here have never met her. Nina was the phoney one. Eric on the other hand?????

At 6:52 PM, April 11, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nina is missed by most people I've talked to. She is genuine, kind and caring - never mind that she is a terrific news person. Good luck, Nina, on your new venture. Heather is good, but Mother's, keep the kiddies away from the tube when Eric's on.
EEE-GADS. Straight out of a Steven King novel.

At 6:57 PM, April 11, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I looked forward to watching KRDO, but have turned my dial since Nina "moved". Hello, KRDO, is anyone home?

At 9:33 PM, April 14, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When we moved here from Chicago it took us a while to find a newscast that we felt came up to big city standards. Found Jon and Nina and loved them. Never could understand why KOAA is #1 here. But then KRDO replaces Jon with the dufus that KKTV fired. Heather isn't quite as bad but we've switched to KOAA for now. Won't someone get rid of that jerk once and for all???
Chi-town girl

At 6:55 AM, April 15, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nina wasn't let go. She wanted to leave. That's the misconception with this board. No facts just rumors.

At 6:45 PM, April 15, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I've always despised Nina Sparano's incessant whining.

Has there ever been a broadcast where Nina Sparano didn't gripe about the weather forecast?


After the meteorologist is done with their portion of the broadcast, and the anchors are making small talk, Nina always finds something negative to say...

In the winter she whines it's too cold, in the summer she whines it's too hot, during drought she whines it's too dry and during the occasional grey stretch, she whines about the moisture.

Give it a rest already... Colorado Springs has 300 days of sunshine a year and some of the best weather
anywhere there is 4 seasons.

I'll take Heather Skold any day of the week.

At 10:42 PM, April 20, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what's with the psyco weather rant? Let it go dude

At 12:54 AM, May 04, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With Nina and Jon shifted to 6pm and now with Nina gone, I've also quite watching KRDO. Seems as though a lot of people have done the same.

At 1:21 PM, May 04, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eric Singer is the biggest dud in CS. He looks scary and his commentary is so............

At 5:05 PM, March 09, 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just found this thread 3 years later.

So, three years later, the KRDO lineup is doing just fine. Eric Singer does very well. Heather Skold is excellent and very easy on the eyes. Weather and sports all doing just hunky dory.

KRDO somehow managed to survive... joke intended. They are doing well. All of the local TV stations have their up and down sides. So what?

At 4:17 PM, June 20, 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weather and sports are doing just fine? Seriously?! Rob Namnoum needs help dressing. You don't wear a suit with a button down collared shirt, especially a pin-stripe jacket.

At 4:23 PM, September 20, 2014, Anonymous Frank said...

Heather is freaking gorgeous! Is she single? engaged? or married? I never see her wearing a engagement or wedding ring on-air tho.

At 8:58 PM, March 27, 2025, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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