Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Before we get to "Lost"

I'd been meaning to check back in with "Jericho," since a lot of people liked it and I full-out loathed it.

In the first five minutes, a doctor advised a man with possible radiation poisoning to take iodine, but not with the pickles. "Not the pickles, maybe the peaches." And a woman runs her hand along a muddy ledge and asks "What's this black stuff?" "That black stuff is Denver."

I'm dutiful, not a masochist. This show blows chunks!


At 9:28 PM, October 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The show is over the top and very predictable, but thus far it's holding my attention.
I think in today's world there's something terrifyingly fascinating about the premise of this show.

At 10:47 PM, October 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the last ten minutes waiting for Criminal Minds. My first impressions is the concept of Lost, but on land. Instead of the Pacific Ocean, it a sea of radiation and possible unknown. very soap operaish and to me at least, ripoff many concept from Lost. Now I'm not a true fan of Lost. I only will watch it when Criminal Minds is on repeats. I like tv show where there is a beginning, a middle, and a ENDING. Both Lost and Jericho is continuous dramas thatif rating are good will keep on going. Shows like these need to move to the weekday afternoons for all those homebodies and housewives who have nothing better to do than to eat bonbon and watch TV. Just my 2ยข depending on inflation.


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