A tale of two TV shows...
Local and national television news and opinion from Colorado Springs Gazette TV writer Andy Wineke
Beginning this morning, in fact. KXRM GM Steve Dant said Hynes wanted to spend more time at home with her kids, but hoped to return to broadcasting once they were in school. He said they haven't made a decision on who will take Polanski's weekend anchor slot.
Just saw a press release saying that KKTV/Channel 11 owner Gray Television is buying high definition cameras and equipment for 21 of its stations, apparently including our own KKTV. No word on when the blessed day should arrive that we'll begin seeing Don, Shannon and Brian in brilliant high definition.
My wife was actually surprised to see Carly and Syesha in the bottom two tonight, while Jason and Brooke skated.
And a little primetime appearance by the guy they're trying to replace
Hill-Rod, The BaRock and McCain Hogan hit up the WWE Raw audience for votes Monday night.
Still four and a half hours away, according to the press release:
This is one of the strangest stories I've ever heard on the radio, NPR or otherwise.
I didn't bother to watch the Democratic debate last night - 'cause I ran out of patience with those like, 15 debates ago - but the amount of vitriol getting heaped on ABC's Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos makes me wish I did.
Kayla Woodhouse, whose family got a new house last October on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," was featured on the "Montel Williams" show today for a segment on miraculous kids. Kayla and her parents, Kim and Jeremy, talked about the challenges they've faced with her condition, which prevents her from feeling pain or regulating her body temperature.
Kayla Woodhouse of Fountain, last seen on ABC's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," will be on the Montel Williams show tomorrow (3 p.m., KRDO) for an episode devoted to amazing kids.
It's been so long, I'd forgotten how much I'd missed it. So many shows have come back with half-assed, rushed episodes (um, "30 Rock" anyone? "Earl" wasn't even trying). But "The Office." Oh my, "The Office."
Don't let this post stand in the way of your watching the "Lost" vid just below, but I always enjoy it when a show goes down in flames after a single airing:
Public radio station KRCC (91.5 FM) hired Andrea Chalfin as its new news director. She'll start in mid-May.
Well, that certainly wasn't the best episode of the season, but it may well have been the most interesting. A lot of the performances were... unexpected. I didn't expect Carly to suck. Or Kristy Lee Cook to deliver her best performance of the season. And I certainly didn't expect whatever it was that David Cook was doing. Good lord.